CSOM Summer Econ Seminar (SumEc)
Each summer, Joel Waldfogel and I organize a weekly seminar series featuring research in applied economics (broadly defined) being pursued by Carlson School faculty and doctoral students entering their job market year. We organize through the e-mail list csomsummerecon@umn.edu and our Google calendar. E-mail me if you would like to be added to our e-mail list.
Lists. If you know someone who would be interested in joining the listserve, (e.g. new faculty/ PhD students), e-mail me at bensona@umn.edu.
Time/place. We meet Thursdays, 12-1 pm in CSOM 2-207, May 16 - August 22, except May 30 (Andy Van de Ven conference) and July 4.
Format. Presentations are in person. Presenters can request hybrid, in which case a Zoom link will be included on the Google Calendar when it's made.
Scheduling. Priority will be given to CSOM junior faculty and job market candidates doing work in applied economics (broadly defined). Second priority will be for presenters who sign up by Friday, April 5th. Remaining spots will fill ad hoc.
Attendance. We are open to all faculty, PhD students, researchers, and their guests at UMN and otherwise.
Good karma. As a community norm, presenters should attend the summer series when able.